Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Luck O' The Irish

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day everyone! May the Irish grant you much luck today... Don't forget to wear green ;)

Tomorrow is the beginning of spring! No more snow, no more ice, no more winter! (Well, apparently nobody told my country because there's still ice and snow on the ground)

I want to be in PH right now, helping Rosetta bring spring to the mainland and hunting for Lucky Clovers....

On a completely irrelevant note, I'm thinking of moving my Blogger blog (this one) to my Wordpress one and merging the two. This is because of two reasons:
1. Two blogs are waaay too hard to manage
2. Most pixies have a Wordpress blog, and I'd hate for pixies to have to create a new Google account just to be able to comment. And Wordpress does practically the same things anyway.
Sapphire and Jade (and maybe Sarah), if you would still like to be guest authors on my blog, I'll just add you in on Wordpress.
Fly With You,


  1. Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day to you, too! ♣

    I would totally be on board for you merging this blog with your Wordpress blog! It would make it so much easier to know when new posts are published and such :-)

    1. Thanks Marigold :) I hope you had a lucky day! ♣

      I think it would definitely be easier to manage with one blog instead of two.

  2. Well...wordpress... That's a maybe. No problem, just let me know.

    1. On a random note, you got rid of your chatbox again?

    2. Yes, I did. I never really check it and I never moderate so... It was for the best :P

  3. Well...wordpress... That's a maybe. No problem, just let me know.

  4. Of course I'll still be your guest author, Minerva, no matter what. :)

  5. Minerva, you can send me the invitation on


Feel free to tell me your thoughts! ♥
~ Minerva