Friday, December 20, 2013

XAT Chat

So recently I've decided to make a few changes on my blog. Some of you may have noticed that it looks a little different then usual...

It's Fly With You, Minerva, Christmas edition! While I was putting up the Chat Box yesterday, (a Christmas gift to my readers), I decided I might as well change the background and header to be more... festive. I think it looks all decked out for the holiday season.

I'm probably going to make a new background, header, and author picture every season so you all don't get tired of looking at the same thing all the time... Plus, I love editing so it's less of a chore and more of a recreational thing.

I will probably also change the chat background to fit the theme of the blog.
 I used the same image throughout because of my laziness.

I'm also thinking of creating a Facebook page for Minerva. I'll get to that as soon as I can figure it out..

Now, I put the XAT chat box back up yesterday... And now it's free for everyone to use! I have the orange icon thingy next to my name, to avoid confusion since I know that there are many fairies named Minerva, and that pixies will sometimes pretend to be me to scam or something...

That's all for now.
Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!\

Fly With You,



  1. Hey Minerva! The new XAT chat box is great!

    (Btw, the recreation date of Jade is official! January 5th 2014)

    1. Thanks! If you could post a link for New-Jade, I know that New-Minerva will flap over to visit. I'm going to recreate her in 5 days ;)

  2. Awesome Minerva! You ARE an editing queen! :D

    1. Lol, thanks Sarah! I really just edit for fun... :P

  3. Hey! Inspired by ya, I also changed the look of my blog. Check it out! :D

    1. It looks very wintery! I notice that you also have a chat box now... ;)

  4. Misinformation alert! Jade recreation date is Jan 4th, 2014. -_-


Feel free to tell me your thoughts! ♥
~ Minerva